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#teamXdesign New Team Member Spotlight: Renee' Rivere

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Name: Renee’ Rivere

Role: Project Manager / Office Administrator

Hometown: Gonzales, LA

Education: Growing up, I never knew what to pursue as a career. I tried college two different times, but it didn’t feel right. I dropped out and decided to get my education through experience. So far, it’s worked out great, and I’m happy with my decision. While people my age were still in school, I was able to snag my first full-time job and start my own business!

What makes you a good fit for your position at Xdesign? People say most administrative people aren’t creative and vice versa. But attention to detail, organization, efficiency and creativity is all a part of my love language!

Before working at Xdesign, what was the most interesting job you’ve ever had? Before working at Xdesign, I worked at a megachurch. If you know anything about working at a church, you know that you don’t have just one job. During my time there, I was over the creation and marketing of weekly experiences, hospitality director for our guest speakers, event coordinator, and producer overseeing lights, audio, video and band.

Were you involved in any organizations while in school? For the past 10 years, I’ve been super involved in my church. I volunteered as a mentor for high school student girls at multiple public schools and planned events for the young adult community.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? It honestly changed every day. The ones that I distinctly remember are teacher, figure skater, gymnast, hairdresser and pop star. In middle school, my friends and I “started a girl band” called The Angelz.

If you could pick one theme for Xdesign to turn into a book about the company, what would it be? Teen Fiction because ashamedly it’s the only type of book I read.

If you could switch job roles with anyone else at Xdesign, who would it be and why? One of the graphic designers because I love what they create!

If you could do any other job in the world, what would it be and why? I would flip houses and have a reality show like Fixer Upper!

What is an item on your bucket list? To flip a house and go skydiving… not at the same time.

If you could choose one actor/actress to play you in a movie, who would it be? I'm obsessed with Sandra Bullock! I want to be her when I grow up.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why? Not familiar with superheroes and their powers. So I would want to be whichever superhero can teleport!

When you aren’t hard at work, where might we find you chasing your passion? At home with a project... painting a wall, online furniture shopping or rearranging shelves with pretty decor!

Do you participate in any community involvement? My previous job was 5 years of community involvement so I’m taking a little “BRB” with that ;).

Have you won any awards? Does “coaches’ award” in high school count?

What is one fun fact about you that others wouldn’t expect? I’m a freelance makeup artist! Most of my Saturdays are spent standing for 7-9 hours straight putting makeup on brides and a lot of bridesmaids. I promise it’s fun!

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XDesign, Inc.

8530 Quarters Lake Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70809