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How a Small Device Can Build Culture and Increase Productivity

Team Xdesign
How A Small Device Can Build Culture And Increase Productivity

If you like us on Facebook (if you don’t, now’s your chance), you know that we’ve become slightly obsessed with Fitbit and its multitude of features. You may ask why we like wearing matching bracelets that track our every move. It’s not to train a team of super humans that take over the world, although that’s a great reason. It’s been proven that people are happier, healthier and are ultimately more productive in the workplace when maintaining an active lifestyle.

Less Sick Days

The most obvious reason for being physically active is that it keeps team members healthier, which means less sick days. No one likes being sick, and it’s the worst scenario when your team is approaching a big deadline.

Increase Energy Levels

In addition to fewer doctor visits, staying physical means more energy to fulfill everyday tasks at work. More energy means better work that results in happy clients. And that’s what we all strive for, isn’t it?

Fuel Healthy Competition

By participating in team challenges, like the ones offered with Fitbit, team members can engage in friendly competition while maintaining a sense of community. What better motivation is there than earning bragging rights on your boss?

Keep Employees Happy

Lastly, employees value wellness programs when researching job opportunities. “45% of employees agree that an employer-sponsored wellness program would encourage them to stay in their current employment situation,” according to the Principal Financial Well-Being Index.

Whether it’s Fitbit or another company wellness program (we promise Fitbit isn’t paying us, we just love it so much), it’s a win-win situation for all team members involved. So get motivated and get moving!

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XDesign, Inc.

8530 Quarters Lake Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70809