2020 Year in… | Xdesign | Baton Rouge Marketing & Advertising Agency

XDESIGN 2020 Year in Review

The Year of the Silver Lining.

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2020 was a rough year for everyone.

We experienced a global pandemic, record-high unemployment rates, small businesses closing by the thousands, a chaotic political climate, a record-breaking hurricane season, and so much more. Like everyone, there were times when we felt overwhelmed, scared, and confused.

When everything seems to be going wrong, the only option is to find the good.

That’s why Xdesign has declared 2020 the Year of the Silver Lining.

Keep Making History

We turned 30 and set a new tone.

Xdesign 30th Anniversary
Keep Making History

Keep Making History

We witnessed the finale of the greatest college football season in history.

LSU Winning Season

Working From Home

We made the most of quarantine.

Working From Home

We learned that working in pajamas has no negative effects on productivity.

2020 Xdesign Year in Review Working from Home
Screen Shot2020 04 16at3 21 23 PM 1

Client Updates

We helped our clients deliver—in style and farther than ever before.

CCP Truck Eggplant 2

New Projects

We tried new things for ourselves.

2020 Xdesign Year in Review Hobbies

New Projects

We created new things for our clients.

X Client Work Vertical

Back in the Office

We’ve never been happier to get up and go to work every day.

X Team First Day Back

Back in the Office

We learned to not take ourselves too seriously in a time when everything felt more serious than ever.

X Team with Nature

Client Updates

We gave clients a fresh new look.

Fresh Look Client Grid 2020 Xdesign Year in Review New Client Logos in Black

Office Updates

We even gave ourselves a new look too.

X Building

Client Updates

We helped restaurants fight to keep their doors open. And today, we’re helping to open new ones.

X Restaurant Clients

Team Xdesign

We learned that even a pandemic couldn’t get in the way of true love.

2020 Xdesign Year in Review Weddings

Team Xdesign

After a year of unprecedented challenges, our team is closer and stronger than ever ... and continues to grow.

Territo Family

2020 in Numbers

We accomplished a lot.

Projects Completed:


Mental Breakdowns Avoided:


Mental Breakdowns UnAvoided:


Zoom meetings attended:


Named Storms:


Global Pandemic:


Days working from home:


Days apart:


Through it all, we learned to take nothing for granted.

We celebrated every victory.

We kept making history.

We found the silver linings.

XDesign, Inc.

8530 Quarters Lake Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70809